Friday, July 31, 2009

Comic-con wrap-up

Wow, it is great to be home. It was a long grand adventure. My plan of posting during the con didn't work out so well as I was to caught up in the moment to do much of anything but gape. Network connection at the hotel wasn't the most convenient. This weekend I will post some of the sights and sounds (and a few smells) as I collect my thoughts and put it to the electronic.

Friday, July 24, 2009

No alien love here.



Adam Baldwin!!!

Real Ghostbuster costumes from the movie! For you Ritchie. Better
photos on everything tonight!

Avatar mech!

Here. Avatar and 9 posters everywhere.
Those that know me know my two greatest fears, airplanes and public
restrooms. I avoid both unless it's an emergency. Today was a bad day.
I had too use the restroom during the flight. Everything was okay
until the turbulence hit. Use your imagination...
Half an hour until we board the plane than another half hour and we
will be at SDCC. Hardest thing I have had to do recently, leave little
man Jack behind in Vegas. A stranger in a strange land...

Everybody say a prayer for him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On the Tarmac and ready to go!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

World War 2.0 intro

Here is the intro to my 1st book. Consider it Diesel-punk with a mixture of Tesla-fusion thrown in.

Let me know what you think.

April 20th, 1945
Magdeburg, Germany

“Fuck”, Petersen blurted out as he snapped awake. He had fallen asleep, again! Jones is going to kill him. His eyes quickly darted to the mass of paper and blankets that was Jones. He looked as if he was asleep. Damn, one of them was to be awake at all times and this was Petersen’s turn.
Their location was a burned out bakery at the end of the street they were tasked with keeping an eye on. Any sign of enemy movement and they were to radio it in. The task was made easier as the town was deserted. Everyone had evacuated a long time ago. Or at least it was assumed they had evacuated. No one had been found to ask. And no bodies were left behind.
He glanced at his watch. 3 o’clock in the morning. “Damn, damn.” Who could blame him for falling asleep. Sleep deprived, hungry and cold, they had been in this location for three weeks without contact. Good or bad. There were other troops in the city with the same orders but contact between the troops was limited to only announce enemy sightings.
Petersen’s frustration was compounded by the fact that he didn't know who the enemy were or what they were supposed to do after they radioed in. He was new to this unit and to their mission and his endless questions finally got to Jones. He had stopped talking to Petersen after the first day. Jones was all Petersen had at the moment and Jones didn’t hide his dislike for the other man.
It also didn’t help that the bakery still smelled of bread. His stomach growled with the thought. They had been told the supplies would hold out until relieved and Jones was holding them both to strict rationing until then. “Damn.” Since he was now fully awake, might as well take a look.
Petersen crawled from around the smashed counter to the blown in front wall. He was at least careful not to get cut on the broken glass that littered the floor. He balanced his carbine across his knees and looked out at the street ahead. As if the darkness alone wasn’t enough, the snow had picked up and limited visibility as well as covering everything in a blanket of snow. Abandoned cars were quickly becoming small mounds and excellent places to hide. Someone could be hiding a few feet away and could go undetected. Footprints would be covered in seconds with the snow. The surroundings were both serene and sinister with the silence very unnerving. Petersen missed most the sounds from nature. No dogs, birds or even insects.
Petersen pulled his scarf tight around his face as the wind started to pick up. "Fuck this." I can hear them before I see them, he thought. He took one more look around and started to move away from the opening. Petersen stopped. Did he just hear something? He froze and waited. There it was again. Not quite a sound but a feeling that rose up from the floor. It came again, a steady rhythm sensation that was like a drum. Or marching!
"Oh shit, Jones!" He couldn't see Jones from where he was in the store. He looked back out into the street. The binoculars were worthless in this storm. He strained to see through the blowing snow. Was that lights in the distance? Should they radio this in? The dull thud was getting stronger. Loose gravel was starting to shift in the piles of debris at his feet.
Where the hell was Jones? He glanced back into the gloom. "Jones!" "Jones! You awake?" No answer. Petersen started to panic. "Jones!" he half shouted.
Jones appeared at Petersen's side like a ghost. "Will you shut the fuck up!" Jones hissed. "You want them to know we are here?"
Petersen choked back a startled cry. He hadn't heard Jones approach. "Who? Who is out there?" He watched as Jones pulled out some large goggles from a pouch and slipped them over his head. The goggles had a slight green tint and a large cable snaked back down into the pouch. Jones flicked a switch and a soft hum could be heard as the lenses started to glow. Petersen didn't ask what they were as he glanced back outside.
"THEY, are 'bots." Jones muttered. He studied the darkness for minutes before glancing back to Petersen. "I hate 'bots. But at least they aren't zombies."
Petersen didn't know if he should laugh or wet his pants. He wondered if it was too late to be transferred.
The pounding got closer...

This is it!!!

Today is the day! I am going to update, post, write, draw, create, destroy and cause general mayhem with regular updates. Follow along with me on Facebook, Twitter and every social network known to man. I have ideas, story's, thoughts and all kinds of craziness floating around in the ether ready to explode on to your screen.

Or maybe not, I am after all pretty lazy.