Friday, July 31, 2009

Comic-con wrap-up

Wow, it is great to be home. It was a long grand adventure. My plan of posting during the con didn't work out so well as I was to caught up in the moment to do much of anything but gape. Network connection at the hotel wasn't the most convenient. This weekend I will post some of the sights and sounds (and a few smells) as I collect my thoughts and put it to the electronic.

Friday, July 24, 2009

No alien love here.



Adam Baldwin!!!

Real Ghostbuster costumes from the movie! For you Ritchie. Better
photos on everything tonight!

Avatar mech!

Here. Avatar and 9 posters everywhere.
Those that know me know my two greatest fears, airplanes and public
restrooms. I avoid both unless it's an emergency. Today was a bad day.
I had too use the restroom during the flight. Everything was okay
until the turbulence hit. Use your imagination...
Half an hour until we board the plane than another half hour and we
will be at SDCC. Hardest thing I have had to do recently, leave little
man Jack behind in Vegas. A stranger in a strange land...

Everybody say a prayer for him.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On the Tarmac and ready to go!